Ministry of Education Places EAJHBS on List of Accredited Journals!

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Haramaya University is pleased to announce that one of its journals, East African Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences (EAJHBS) is nationally accredited by the Ministry of Education. EAJHBS is among the 21 national journals accredited by the ministry today March 11, 2022. The move enhances the quality and visibility of the journal by encouraging scholars to make use of it and helps to raise the university’s international reputation.

EAJHBS is peer-reviewed open access journal published bi-annually by the College of Health and Medical Sciences, Haramaya University. The journal is dedicated to publishing research articles in areas of Health, Biomedical Sciences and Medicine coming from Ethiopia and anywhere in the world.

“This exciting achievement has been possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of the editorial board members of the journal, University Management, Research Extension and Publication Directorate, particularly the Research Publication team”, said Dr. Chanyalew Seyoum, Research Extension and Publication Directorate, in his email communication addressed to the University staff. He also appreciated the stakeholders who have directly and indirectly contributed to the achievements.

EAJHBS joins three other accredited journal listings of the Haramaya University which are accredited by the Ministry of Education. This is a huge milestone for Haramaya University. Since its establishment in 2016, the journal has published its 5th Volume No 1.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ayele Fettera Dewiso

    It is very important information.

  2. Abeje

    Nice journals I like them.

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