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research affairs
The Office of Research Affairs of the University is in charge of coordinating the research and extension activities
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Vice-President for Research Affairs
Contact Details
1. Family Name:Tefera
2. Name:Tesfaye Lemma
3. Date of Birth: January 20, 1970
4. Nationality: Ethiopian
6. Civil Status: Married
Contact address: Mobile 251 (0)932 178954, e-mail: t.lemma41@yahoo.com, Skype: tesfaye.lemma41
Physical address: Haramaya University, PO BOX 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Associate Professor of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
7. Current position: Vice President for Research Affairs since December 21, 2020
Current Research Topics:
Current research topics:
Research activities:
- Drivers and Impacts of Property Rights Change to Communal Lands in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia: The case of Afar, Oromia and Somali Regional States
- Assessment and analysis of dietary needs, available foods of local market And Designing of farmer Field Schools (FFS) curricula at selected 4 weredas in two regions_ FMM/GLO/128/MUL
- Assessment and analysis of dietary needs, available foods of local market And Designing of farmer Field Schools (FFS) curricula at selected 4 weredas in two regions_ FMM/GLO/128/MUL
- Participatory Action Research for Enhanced Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation in eastern Ethiopia and Somali Region (Secured NOK 989, 000 (Birr 3, 259,990) from Development Fund of Norway as a research grant)
- Diversity of Aspergillus Species and Aflatoxin Contamination along Maize and Groundnut Value Chains in Eastern and Southern Africa- Ethiopia, Uganda and Zambia (responsible for implementing socio-economic component of the research in Ethiopia)- African Union Council Research Grant
Advisory Committee member for PhD Dissertation Research topics:
- Social network in pluralistic seed system for climate change adaptation in east Oromia Region, Ethiopia
- Farm households’ vulnerability and resilience to food insecurity in the face of climate variability in North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopa
- Malt barley contract farming and its effects on commercialization and welfare of smallholders in Arsi and West Arsi zones, Oromia Regions, Ethiopia
- Institutional and organizational factors influencing business performance in agricultural cooperatives in East Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
- Impacts and governance mechanisms of voluntary sustainability certification schemes: the case of organic and fair-trade certification schemes among smallholder coffee producer cooperative members in southeastern Ethiopia
International Conference Participation
Participated on several international conferences on agenda related to agricultural innovation systems and innovation management, strengthening agricultural research and extension systems, economic development, gender in agriculture, knowledge management, capacity building, partnership and collaboration for impact, and so on.
Vice-President for Research Affairs
The Vice-President for Research Affairs (VPRA) owns the overall research and technology exchange (extension) process of the university. VPRA is responsible for the strategic guidance and mentoring of all research and extension units. Under this office there are three major directorate offices responsible for leading research, technology exchange (extension), publication, and facility provision and management of the university. These include director for research groups and partnerships, director for research extension and publication, and director for research facilities.
Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (PhD)
Associate Professor of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension

Detail profile:
Education and Special Higher Level Training and Research Experience:
- Visiting Researcher and Postdoctoral Scientist for Agricultural Innovation Systems Research July 2007 to June 31, 2011 at ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Addis Ababa.
- Consultant Researcher at IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) September 2012- March 2013 coordinating research on the use of ICT to improve agricultural extension and advisory services provision in Eastern and Southern Africa
- PhD in Rural Development 2003, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Policy and Project Planning 1998, Institute of Social Studies, College of Development Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands
- MSc in Agricultural Extension 1995, University of Reading, UK
- BSc in Agricultural Economics 1992, Alemaya (current Haramaya) University, Ethiopia
Selected on-the-job short-term training attended related to Research Management:
- Management of Research Project, Organized by Ethiopian Academy of Science
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Research and Development Investment organized by IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
- Creativity in the work Place: Promoting Innovation and Writing Convincing Proposal organized by IFPRI
- Socio-economic and Gender Analysis organized by FAO
- Applied Data Management and Analysis using STATA organized by Haramaya University.
Leadership experience: Vice President for Research Affairs since December 21, 2020
- Member, Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council since 2021
- Lead applicant and coordinator of a partnership program with Pan African PASET (Partnership for Applied Science, Engineering and Technology) RSIF (Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund) financed by the World Bank, Korean Government, African governments, and others. The program support PhD students recruited from the eastern, southern and western African regions.
- Lead researcher for PAR (Participatory Action Research Project) being implemented in dryland areas of Eastern Ethiopia through a research grant from Development Fund of Norway.
- Training and Research Head of the Africa Center of Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation (ACE Climate SABC) for 3 years, February 2018 to January 2021. I was responsible for overall coordination of education, learning and research activities as well as partnership facilitation and process management.
- Leader (equivalent to Director) of Institutions, Innovation Systems, and Economic Development Research Thematic Area December 2014- February 2018. My responsibilities included coordination of research activities and process management in the area of Institutions, Innovations and Economic Development.
- Founding President of Ethiopian Society of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension 2012-2014
- Coordinator of adaptive research activities conducted in partnership with the Oromia Pastoral Community Development Project (PCDP III) and Lowland Livelihoods Resilience Project (LLRP).
- Chair Person of University Purchase Endorsement Committee for 3 years (2016-2018)
- Head of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension for more than 4 years November 2003 – June 2007.
- Coordinator of partnership program with SAFE (Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education) for capacity development of frontline extension workers (Mid- career program) November 2003 – June 2007.
- Coordinator of University Extension and Outreach Program (FSR/Extension) at Research Office 1999- 2000.
International Conference Participation
– Participated on several international conferences on agenda related to agricultural innovation systems and innovation management, strengthening agricultural research and extension systems, economic development, gender in agriculture, knowledge management, capacity building, partnership and collaboration for impact, and so on.
Publications (About 30 publications):
Journal articles:
- Alefu Chinasho, Bobe Bedadi, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Tamado Tana, Tilahun Hordofa, Bisrat Elias (2023). Quality assessment and evaluation of irrigated water and soil used for maize (Zea mays L.) production in Boloso Sore district, southern Ethiopia, Heliyon 9 (2023) e17299. https://doi.org/heliyon.2023.e17299
- Theogene Niyibigira, Wassu Mohammed, Tamado Tana, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Placide Rukundo (2023). Sorghum Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Determinants of Adaptation Strategies in Central Plateau Zone of Rwanda, Sustainability 2023 (accepted for publication).
- Alefu Chinasho, Bobe Bedadi, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Tamado Tana, Tilahun Hordofa and Bisirat Elias (2023). Response of maize to irrigation and blended fertilizer levels for climate smart food production in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research Volume 12, June 2023, 100551 DOI: 10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100551
- Ademe Mihiretu, Eric Ndemo Okayo and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2023). Climate variability trends – community perspective- livelihood adaptation strategy nexus in the arid- tropics, Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environment Volume 210, March 2023, 104929. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2022.104929
- Addisu Bezabih, Fekadu Beyene, Jema Haji and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2022). Evaluating the commercialization of smallholder barley farmers via vertical coordination in Arsi highlands, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1, 2125660, DOI:10.1080/23322039.2022.212566
- Getachew Eshetu Gidelew, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Chanyalew Seyoum Aweke (2022). From staple food to market-oriented crop: Commercialization level of smallholder teff (Eragrostis tef) growers in Jamma District, Ethiopia. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 3, 53 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43170-022-00123-5
- Mulu Debele, Fekadu Beyene, Dawit Alemu, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Aseffa Seyoum Wedajo (2022) . Effect of social networks on smallholder farmers’ decision to join farmer-base seed producer cooperatives: The case of Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia. Sustainability, 4 (10) 2022 https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105838
- Alefu Chinasho, Bobe Bedadi, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Tamado Tana, Tilahun Hordofa and Bisirat Elias (2022). Farmers’ perceptions about irrigation roles in climate change adaptation and determinants of the choices to WUE- improving practices in Southern Ethiopia. Air, Soil and Water Research Vol 15; 1-14; https://doi.org/10.1177/11786221221092454
- Tibebu Bezabih, Fekadu Beyene and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2021). What factors are influencing members’ willingness to contribute equity capital in agricultural cooperatives? Review of Agriculture and Applied Economics. ISSN 1336-9261, Vol. XXIV, Issue 2, 2021: 50-61 doi: 10.15414/raae.2021.24.02.50-61.
- Alefu Chinasho, Bobe Bedadi, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Tamada Tana, Tilahun Hordofa and Bisrat Elias (2021). Evaluation of seven gap-filling techniques for daily station-based rainfall datasets in South Ethiopia, Advances in Metrology Volume 2021 |Article ID 9657460 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9657460.
- Abdisa Abe Neme and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2021). A review on commercialisation of smallholder agricultural producers and its impact on household livelihoods, evidence from Ethiopian context. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, volume 59 (1) 2021, 69–75.
- Ademe Mihiretu, Eric Ndemo Okoyo and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2021). Causes, indicators and impact of climate change: Understanding the public discourse in Goat-based agro-pastoral livelihood zone, Ethiopia. Heliyon 7(2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06529
- Addisu Bezabeh, Fekadu Beyene, Jema Haji and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2020). Impact of contract farming on income of smallholder barley farmers in Arsi and West Arsi zones of Oromia Region, Ethiopia, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6: 1834662 . org/10.1080/23311932.2020.1763647
- Ademe Mihiretu, Eric Ndemo Okoyo & Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2020). Small holder farmers’ perception and response mechanisms to climate change: Lesson from Tekeze lowland goat and sorghum livelihood zone, Ethiopia, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1, 1763647. org/10.1080/23311932.2020.1763647
- Wesage Berhane, Jema Haji, Belaineh Legesse and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera (2019). Smallholder farmers’ innovativeness and its determinants in Eastern Hararghe, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics Vol. XXIII, Issue 1, 2020: 13-21. doi: 10.15414/raae.2020.23.01.13-21
- Ademe Mihiretu, Erick Ndemo Okoyo and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2019. Determinants of adaptation choices to climate change in agro-pastoral dry lands of Northeastern Amhara, Ethiopia. Cogent Environmental Science (2019), 5: 1636548. org/10.1080/23311843.2019.1636548
- Doyo Kena Doyo, Erick Ndemo Okoyo and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2018. Livelihood diversification strategies among the Borana pastoral households of Yabello District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development10 (10), pp. 211-221, October 2018. doi 10.5897/JAERD2018.0960.
- Hagos Kidane, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Girmay Tesfay. 2018. Determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in seed producing cooperatives in Southern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development10(4), pp. 75-83, April 2018. doi 10.5897/JAERD2017.0868.
- Abebe Shiferaw, Bereket Dindamo, Tesfaye Lemma Teferaand Dirk Hoekstra. 2016. Agricultural service delivery: strengthening private crop protection service in southern Ethiopia, Development in Practice, 26:8, 1072-1082, doi 10.1080/09614524.2016.1225670.
- Yishak Gecho, Gezahegn Ayele, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Dawit Alemu. 2014.Livelihood strategies and food security of rural households in Wolaita Zone, southern Ethiopia. Developing Country Studies 4(14):115-122.doi 10.11648/j.ss.20140303.15
- Yishak Gecho, Gezahegn Ayele, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Dawit Alemu. 2014. Rural households livelihood strategies: Options and determinants. Social Sciences
Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2014, Pages: 92-104 - Moti Jaleta, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Azage Tegegne, Samson Jemaneh, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, and Hoekstra, D. 2013. Evolution of input supply and service hubs in dairy development at Ada’a milk shed in Ethiopia. 2013. Development in Practice 23(2): 249-263.
- Adam Bekele, Belay Kassa, Belaineh Legesse and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2010. Effects of crop commercial orientation on productivity of smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Journal of Rural Development 33(4): 1- 24.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2009. Supply response, local reality, and livelihood sustainability: The policy dilemma of khat (Catha edulis) production in eastern Ethiopia. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(3):176–188.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Sylvian Perret and J.F. Kirsten. 2005. Diversity in livelihoods and farmers’ strategies in the Hararghe highlands, eastern Ethiopia, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2(2):133-146.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, J.F. Kirsten and Sylvain Perret. 2004. Incentives, farmers’ response, and a policy dilemma: A case study on expansion of khat production as a cash crop in the eastern highlands of Ethiopia. Journal of Ethiopian Development Studies 1(2). Center for African Development Policy Research, Western Michigan University (USA), Kalamazoo, MI.
- Chanyalew Seyoum, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Ranjan S. Karippa. 2011. Factors determining the degree of commercialization of smallholder agriculture: the case of potato growers in Kombolcha district, eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Agriculture and Development, JAD 2 (1) 2011.
Book chapters:
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera and Daniel Start (2010). Market incentives, rural livelihoods, and a policy dilemma: Expansion of khat production in eastern Ethiopia. In: Gebissa, E (ed.) pp. 167-186. ‘Taking the place of food: Khat in Ethiopia’. The Red Sea Press, Inc: Trenton, New Jersey (USA) and Asmara.
Published working papers:
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Azage Tegegne and Hoekstra D. 2012. Capacity for knowledge-based smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia: Linking graduate programs to market-oriented agricultural development: Challenges, opportunities and IPMS experience. IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Access) of Ethiopian Farmers Project Working Paper 29, Nairobi, Kenya, International Livestock Research Institute.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Puskur R, Hoekstra D. and Azage Tegegne. 2010. Commercializing dairy and forage systems in Ethiopia: An innovation systems perspective. IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Access) of Ethiopian Farmers Project Working Paper 17, Nairobi, Kenya, International Livestock Research Institute.
Selected Papers published in conference proceedings:
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Azage Tegegne, Puskur R. and Hoekstra D. 2009. Moving Ethiopian smallholder dairy along a sustainable commercialization path: Missing links in the innovation systems. In: Merga Bekana et al (ed.) pp. 118-142. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Smallholder Dairy Production in Central highlands of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia: Challenges and future prospects. Sida/SAREC Project, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University, August 16-17, 2008, Adama, Ethiopía.
- Anteneh Girma and Tesfaye Lemma tefera. 2009. Animal health services delivery system in Debrezeit Milkshed: Implications for public-private roles in service delivery in Ethiopia. Proceedings of 23rd Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinarian Association, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 22-23, 2009: 37-56.
- Anteneh Girma, Ranjitha Puskur and Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2009. Towards pluralistic livestock service delivery system for the commercialization of smallholder livestock agriculture in Ethiopia: Evidence from smallholder dairying in Debrezeit milkshed. IN: Dessie, T. (ed.). 2009. Commercialization of livestock agriculture in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 16th Annual conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-10 October 2008. Part I: Plenary Session. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: ESAP: 81-97.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Puskur R, and Hoekstra D (2008) Exploring innovation capacity in Ethiopian dairy systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge and Innovation for Advancing Agriculture in Developing Countries. IFPRI, Addis Ababa, April 7–9, 2008. pp. 7–9. Nairobi: ILRI.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera. 2007. Towards responsive extension service: cases for re-engineering public agricultural extension service in Ethiopia. In CIDA-UPCD Sustainable Rural and Agriculture Development Project Preliminary Conference Proceedings on Inoovation and Extension pp16-30 February 24th, 2007, Hawassa University.
Papers on experience/ lessons (available on www.ipms-ethiopia.org):
- Yisehak Baredo, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Azage Tegegne and Dirk Hoekstra (2013). Sheep fattening value chain development in Goma Pilot Learning Woreda (PLW): IPMS experiences. Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) of Ethiopian Farmers Project Case Study. Nairobi: ILRI.
- Tilahun Gebeyehu, Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Dirk Hoekstra, Azage Tegegne and Bogale Alemu (2012). Participatory smallholder dairy value chain development in Fogera Woreda, Ethiopia: Experience from IPMS project intervention. IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Access) of Ethiopian Farmers Project Case Study, Nairobi, Kenya, International Livestock Research Institute.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Ermias Sehai and Hoekstra, D. 2011. Status and capacity of Farmer Training Centers (FTCs) in the IPMS Pilot Learning Woredas. Improving Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers Project (IPMS) – International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Tesfaye Lemma Tefera, Ermias Sehai and Hoekstra, D. 2011. Knowledge Centers in the IPMS Pilot Learning Woradas: Utilization, relevance and effectiveness. Improving Productivity and Market Success of EthiopianFarmers Project (IPMS) – International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Directors for Research Extension and Publication (DREP)
Director for Research Facilities Management (DRFM)
Assistant Professor, PhD in Rural Development
Contact Details
Telephone (Office): +251 255 53 03 29
Email Address: acseyoum@gmail.com/ chanyalew_s@yahoo.com
Skype ID: chanyalew.aweke27
Postal address: P.O.Box 103, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Fax: +251 255 53 01 06 (Research Office)
Research Interest:
Agricultural systems, Food and Nutrition Security, nexus between agriculture and nutrition, agricultural advisory services/extension, livelihood analysis, climate change, smallholder commercialization and value chain analysis
Directors for Research Extension and Publication (DREP)
The Director for Research Extension and Publication (DREP) owns the process of technology dissemination, scientific publication, and information exchange. The director shall perform, among others, the following major duties:
- Executes the process of dissemination of research technology and knowledge
- Undertakes activities of publishing, publicising, and distribution of research knowledge and technologies
- Formulates publication policies of the university and ensure its implementation
- Follows up plant breeders’ rights, patent rights, copyrights, etc of the university
- Facilitates research and extension review meetings, workshops, symposia, colloquia, field days, and other platforms
- Performs any other related activities

Assistant Professor PhD in Analytical Chemistry
Contact Details
Telephone (Office): +251 25 553 0394
Telephone (Mob): +251 91 221 3485
Email: gado430@yahoo.com
Research Interest:
Synthesis and self-assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles; Nanomaterials-based sensors and assays; SERS-based methods and green chemistry
Director for Research Groups and Partnerships (DRGP)
The Director for Research Groups and Partnerships (DRGP) owns the process of formulating and identifying research thematic areas of the university and prepares the programs for executing the research undertakings. The director shall perform, among others, the following major duties:
- Ensures that all staff and student research conducted at the university or anywhere else through sponsorship of the university fall under one of the six thematic areas of the university
- Coordinates the activities of research groups established based on the identified research thematic areas and facilitate their work through horizontal networking
- Facilitates establishment of partnerships of research groups with national and international stakeholders
- Based on recommendations of research groups, stakeholders, and researchers, he/she shall facilitate entering agreements and linkages with professionals
- Organizes and executes national and international workshops that focus on research thematic areas of the University
- Performs any other related activities
MSc. (Masters of Sciences in Crop Sciences)
Contact Details
Telephone (Office): +251 255 530058
Telephone (Mob): +251 911058586
Email Address: aliyi.ibsa@yahoo.com
Skype ID: ibsako1
Postal address: P.O.Box 103, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Fax: +251 255 53 01 06 (Research Office)
Research Interest:
Soil Fertility, Weeds, Cropping Systems, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Climate Change Mitigation, and Biodiversity
Director for Research Facilities Management (DRFM)
The Director for Research Facilities Management (DRFM) owns the process of managing and utilising material and human resources for research, technology exchange, and publication. The director shall perform, among others, the following major duties:
- Manages research stations and facilities of the university within and outside campus, and coordinates the research activities undertaken.
- Coordinates, facilitates, and communicates utilisation of research facilities among research groups and concerned researchers.
- Allocates research facilities according to requirements by research groups.
- Facilitates establishment and expansion of research stations and facilities in partnership with stakeholders through negotiations and common agreements.
- Follows and executes every administrative issues related to research stations, facilities, and manpower.
- Executes all other issues related to research facilities of the university.