Sub-theme 2.3.        Nutrition, Food Safety and Security, Dietetics, and Nutritional Problems


The main aim of this sub-theme is to conduct research on proper nutrition, malnutrition and determinants of malnutrition, food safety, and diet therapy.


Under this research sub-theme are studied food safety and wholesomeness in its production, storage, preparation, distribution, sale, and consumption. The sub-theme is meant for finding the means to safeguard quality of food from production to consumption. The sub-theme also focuses on food contamination by chemicals, toxins, and pathogenic microorganisms; food safety assurance and sanitary measures; and dietary practices. Under-nutrition, obesity, overweight and micronutrient deficiencies, and prevention and treatment of malnutrition at all levels are studied under this research area. The sub-theme gives particular attention to developing effective strategies for nutrition interventions during pregnancy, lactation, early infancy, childhood, and adolescent in both rural and urban areas, and focuses on how best to tackle micronutrient deficiencies.

Research Areas

2.3.1. Proper nutrition and food safety

2.3.2. Malnutrition and food security

2.3.3. Food therapy and dietetics

For the details, click here

Research priorities 2017

Research priorities 2016