Investigators | Title | Theme | Sub-theme | Start year | End year |
Endrias Geta , Alem Mezgebo, Fresenbet Zeleke | Economic Valuation of Improved Management of Dechatu Watershed in Dire Dawa Administration | V | II | 2012 | 2014 |
Megersa Debela Hailemicheal Bekele | Impact of Cooperatives on Rural Poverty in Eastern Oromia: The case of Haramaya Vegetable Farmers’ Cooperative Union (HVFCU) | V | I | 2013 | 2015 |
Wondifraw Mihret rega Shumetie | The impact of creativity and innovation based TVET strategy on the business performance of smes in eastern Ethiopia | V | II | 2014 | 2016 |
Completed Project